写经验 领红包




摘 要: 近年来,我国社会经济的增长速度较快,居民的人均收入水平也在持续上升,越来越多的人将眼光投向了理财业务。在这市场环境中,商业银行个人理解业务的发展速度不断加快,理财产品的种类也在不断地增加。但是,我国商业银行在不断开发个人理财业务的同时,也存在着一定的风险,这些风险问题,有的是来自商业银行自身,需要商业银行不断提高自身的业务水平,规避可能发生的风险,及时解决已经出现的风险问题。本文首先对商业银行个人理财业务的特点进行探索,进一步提出商业银行个人业务经营中存在的风险问题,并分析解决风险的相应对策。

  关键词 : 商业银行,个人理财:业务风险,


 1. 我国商业银行的个人理财业务特点

  1.1、 业务对象特定化


Abstract: in recent years, China&39;s commercial banks also have certain risks. Some of these risk problems come from the commercial banks themselves. Commercial banks need to continuously improve their business level, avoid possible risks and solve the existing risk problems in time. Firstly, this paper explores the characteristics of personal financial business of commercial banks, further puts forward the risk problems existing in personal business operation of commercial banks, and analyzes the corresponding countermeasures to solve the risk.

Key words: Commercial Bank, personal finance: business risk,

From the current development status of the financial industry, the current development of personal financial services is more diversified. Generally speaking, commercial banks cover not only state-owned commercial banks, but also joint-stock commercial banks. In addition to banking institutions, Internet financial enterprises, which have developed rapidly in recent years, are also gradually infiltrating personal financial services and have become one of the choice subjects for users to carry out personal financial services. Such as TenPay, Yuebao, etc., the mainstream Internet Financial platforms. The emergence of these internet financial platforms has greatly reduced the operating cost of personal financial services, and the investment cost of these platforms in risk control is also very low. In order to obtain higher income, a large number of funds are withdrawn from the bank, which is very unfavorable to the operation and development of commercial banks.

1. Characteristics of personal finance business of commercial banks in China

1.1. Business object specialization

Personal finance business is aimed at specific target individuals or target groups, and the object does not have the relevant characteristics of standardization and popularization. That is, the object of personal financial business is not to screen customers based on customer type, capital scale and other conditions, and can provide consistent standardized financial products for all customers. This type of products have the characteristics of universality, and anyone can buy financial products. However, in the actual operation, commercial banks will design and plan customers&39; deposits to meet certain standards before they can be purchased. Different financial products of commercial banks will formulate a series of customer screening rules, which also shows that the services of personal financial services of banks have specific
