写经验 领红包




Describing discomforts in fluent English(美式用法)

1:My stomach is feeling weird. 我肚子不太舒服。

2:Bellyache/tummyache/stomachache 肚子疼(前面两个是很可爱的说法,最后一个是很正常的说法)

3:My (stomach) is not feeling so wee/hot. 我(肚子)不太舒服。(括号可以换成其他身体部位)

4:My(stomach)is killing me. 我肚子好疼啊。(括号可以换成其他身体部位)


1:Menstrual Cramps. 月经肚子痛。[ˈmɛnstruəl]

eg: I'm on my period and I have cramps. 我来月经了,肚子疼。

on my period=It's that time of the month.

2:I feel so bloated. 我水肿的厉害。

3:I'm feeling a little dizzy. 我有点头晕。

4:I feel like I'm gonna throw up/vomit. 我有点想吐。

5:I have a stuffy nose. = My nose is stuffy. 我鼻子不通。

6:I have a runny nose and a sore throat. 我流鼻涕、嗓子疼。

7:I've been having/experiencing chest pain. 我最近有些胸闷。

8:I had food poisoning from that undercooked chicken I ate on vacaton. 我因为在旅行时吃了没做熟的鸡肉食物中毒了。

9:I've been having insomnia/trouble sleeping(lately). 最近老睡不着。

I haven't been sleeping well. 我最近总睡不好。

10:I have allergies. 我过敏了。

I‘m allergic to... 我对。。。过敏

11:I have scratches on my arm. 我胳膊上有刮痕。

12:I sprained my ankle. 我脚扭了。

13:My whole body is so sore. 全身酸痛。
