写经验 领红包


导语:小学英语语法知识复习 名词讲解及练习


1.普通名词 普通名词是某类人、事件、物体和抽象概念的名称。根据所指代物体的特征,普通名词又可分为以下四类:

A.个体名词: 表示人或物体中可以数清的单个体。如:student(学生)、pen(钢笔)、bird(鸟)等。

B.集体名词: (即集合名词)表示由个体组成的集合体。如:people(人民)、police(警察)、family(家庭)等

C.物质名词: 表示构成物体物质的不可数名词,或表示无法分为个体的物质的名词。如:water(水)、air(空气)、wood(木头)等。

D.抽象名词 : 表示动作、状态、品质、情感等非具体化的抽象概念。如:work(工作)、peace(和平)、love(爱)等。

2. 专有名词 : 专有名词是某些人、事物、机构、组织等特有的名称。主要包括:人名、地名、国名、党派名称等。如:Churchill(丘吉尔)、Tokyo(东京)、China(中国)等。


1) 可数名词: 一般来说个体名词和集体名词可以用数目来计算,称为可数名词。可数名词有单数和复数两种形式。

例如: a book, two books, a student, three students, a family, many families。 名词单数变复数变化如下:

1.词尾直接加 s 如:cat——cats bag——bags day——days

2.以 S, SH, CH, X 结尾的词加es如:class——classes match——matches box----- boxes dish ---- dishes

3.以辅音加 Y 结尾的词变 Y 为 I, 加 ES. 元音加 Y 结尾的词直接加 S, 如: party----parties city----cities story----stories

boy---- toys monkey----- monkeys key---- keys 等. 4.以 F 或 FE 结尾的词, 变 F 或 FE 为 V, 加 es, 如: wife ---- wives half---- halves 注意特殊情况直接加“S”,要逐个记 chiefs,handkerchiefs, roofs.

5.以辅音加 O 结尾的词常加 es, 如: tomatoes, potatoes, heroes. 元音加 O 结尾直接加 s. 如:radios, zoos, pianos.特殊情况: photos

6.名词单数变复数特殊变化也要逐个记得如: man-men, woman-women, tooth---teeth, goose---geese, foot---feet, child--children, mouse-mice

2) 不可数名词

不可数名词不能用数字计算包括物质名词( air, water等)及抽象名词(advice, hate)等。所以它通常只有单数形式。如:English, air, water, cotton, work„

不可数名词表示数量时,可以用量词来表达(量词有复数形式)其结构是数词+量词+OF+名词。如:a bottle of water,two cups of tea,three pieces of paper 注意事项:

1.不可数名词没有复数变化,不能用A,AN,但可用THE,或不用冠词,如:bread is the usual breakfast.

2.虽然不可数名词没有复数变化,但量词超过一时要加复数。 如:three cups of coffee, five bottles of water 3.有量词修饰时注意名词是否可数,不可数时用单数,可数时用复数,如:ten bags of rice---- ten baskets of eggs


Homework______ half______ advice______

money ______ knowledge ______boot _____blood ______

music ______ chicken ________heat _____mouth ______

bread _______ information ______milk _____cow _______tear ________



单数名词词尾加’s, 复数名词如果词尾没有s,也要加’s。

the boy's bag 男孩的书包

Mike's knife 迈克的刀子

the children's room 孩子们的房间

men's room 男厕所

2.若名词已有复数词尾s,只加 ’

the students' bags 学生们的书包

the teachers' reading-room 教师阅览室


This is Tom and Jason's room. 这是汤姆和杰森共有的房间。

These are Tom's and Jason's rooms. 这些是汤姆和杰森各自的房间。


1、如果名词是无生命的,我们就要用名词+of +名词的结构来表示所有关系。

the windows of the house 房间的窗户

the title of the song 歌的名字

the picture of the family 家庭照片


the girl's name → the name of the girl 女孩的名字

my father's friend →the friend of my father's 我父亲的朋友


Beijing's street 北京的街道

today's newspaper 今天的报纸

ten minutes' walk 十分钟的路程


1.a sister ______________2.a boy __________

3.today ______________4.a baby __________

5.a camel ______________6.men __________

7.birds ______________8.two days __________

9.John and Mary(两人共有的)__________

10.John and Mary (两人各自所有的)__________



1.Two________ live in this building. (family)

2.Look at those _______. (child)

3.I can see a ________ standing near the door. (policeman)

4.There are some ________ on the table. (glass)

5.Would you like some ________? (bread)

6.I have two ________. (sister)

7.I like ________. (cat)

8.Do you want some ________ for supper? (potato)

9.He has two ________. One is old ,the other is new .(watch)

10.In autumn ,you can see a lot of ________ on the ground. (leaf)


1.Do you drink much (milk, milks)?

2.I visited (Tom, Tom's) house yesterday.

3.He had two (cup ,cups) of tea.

4.This is (Tom and Mary's ,Tom's and Mary's) house.

5.Give me a (piece of ,×)paper, please.

6.I don't want (a, an)old cap.

7.Look at those (sheep, sheeps ).

8.How many (radioes , radios ) can you see?

9.There are 36 (boys, boies) in my class.

10.That bag is my (father's, father's bag.)


1.This is a knife. _________________________________________

2.That is a tomato. _________________________________________

3.I have a wish. _________________________________________

4.That child is very lovely. ___________________________________

5.An Englishman stood there. __________________________________

四.用's, s'替换下列词组

1.the leg of the boy ______________

2.the key of the girl ______________

3.the tail of the cat _______________

4.the friend of my father's___________

5.the toys of the boy_______________

6.the songs of the birds ____________

7.the servants of the queen _________

8.the shirts of the men _____________

9.the violin of the girl ______________

10.the pen of John_______________
