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导语:用英语学手机英语口语:minutes & data话费流量都没了

1. 用中文学英语单词:smart phone minute plan

“横向英语学习”让我们把minute plan和与其相关的英语联系起来,而不是仅仅得到一个英语单词。

2) 手机流量用英语怎么说?

2. 用英语说英语意思:Well your data plan is a service plan to allow you to go online(什么是go online?) ,to go online is to surf the Internet, to go online is to get access to the Internet.

用英语记住英语:a data plan是用来go online, to surf the Internet, to get access to the Internet的。

“横向英语学习”让我们把data plan和与其相关的英语联系起来,而不是仅仅得到一个英语单词。

When you don't have any data in your data plan, and you can not go online, you say:

I have run out of my data.
