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在生活中,很多人可能想了解和弄清楚上课都爱偷偷看的GMAT语法The hognose snake puts的相关问题?那么关于gmat语法看谁的网课的答案我来给大家详细解答下。


The hognose snake puts on an impressive bluff, hissing and rearing back, broadens the flesh behind its head the way a cobra does, feigning repeated strikes, but, having no dangerous fangs and no venom, eventually, if its pursuer is not cowed by the performance, will fall over and play dead.

(A) broadens the flesh behind its head the way a cobra does, feigning repeated strikes, but, having no dangerous fangs and no venom,

(B) broadens the flesh behind its head the way a cobra does and feigns repeated strikes, but with no dangerous fangs and no venom,

(C) broadening the flesh behind its head the way a cobra does and feigning repeated strikes, but it has no dangerous fangs and no venom, and

(D) broadening the flesh behind its head the way a cobra does and feigns repeated strikes, but with no dangerous fangs and no venom, and

(E) broadening the flesh behind its head the way a cobra does, feigning repeated strikes, but with no dangerous fangs and no venom, and




1. 并列: 这道题目不读句意硬看语法的话,多个选项的并列方式都成立,会很耗时间。句意的话,会发现头后变宽假装进攻,是跟嘶嘶叫并列的,不是跟上演并列,留CDE选项。

2. 并列:CDE的共同点都是结尾有and, 代表后面的will….句子和前面的一个句子并列,C选项出现了it has no …作为will句的并列对象,而DE 一直要找到句子开头才能找到will 句的并列对象,好远好远啊!


温馨提示:通过以上关于上课都爱偷偷看的GMAT语法The hognose snake puts内容介绍后,相信大家有新的了解,更希望可以对你有所帮助。