写经验 领红包




Lost more, get less, understand that we should cherish all now!


After growing up, the reality diluted all the expectations of childhood, and also diluted their childishness and innocence.


One eats, one walks, one travels, one goes shopping, one feels indifferent after a long time.


A person outside, see more of the world, human feelings, also learned to rely on their own go down!


Learn to smile when you are sad and disappointed again and again, and learn to pretend to be strong and say to yourself: I am not sad.


There are a lot of things I don&39;re tired, you know you&39;s no big deal to tell yourself to smile!


After graduation, I know how hard life is. I need to learn to endure, to be strong and to be brave!


I always like to be accompanied by people who are afraid of the dark. Later, there are fewer and fewer people who care about themselves. They will not be around me all the time, so I have to face the dark alone. After a long time, I think a person is natural!


People who can&39;t need to think about anything. I laughed heartlessly every day. When I grew up, smile became an expression!


Time will not be because of reality, will not be because of their stay! When you know how to change yourself, you will understand what the reality has given you, and what you have paid for the reality. How heartbreaking these forced maturity!


In life, we should face it with the sea, control it with scientific methods, nourish our stomach with the emperor&39;s life to crazy once, whether for a person, a love, a journey or a dream.


Every time I miss you, I have to remind myself that if you want to chat with me, you have already opened your mouth.


It&39;s stupid to forbid using them. It's dangerous to use them indiscriminately.