写经验 领红包




Girls, clean body is white, self-reliance is rich, and internal and external cultivation is beauty.


A seed, in pain, gives birth to new hope; a baby, in pain, gives birth to new life; a young eagle, in pain, is stubborn wings. All things have to go through painful exploration before they will receive the joy of success.


Secularity is the road that most people should take, and duty is the obligation that you must fulfill. If every one of us can do our duty well, then our society will naturally be harmonious. Duty means sacrifice, no toil, no simplicity, no pain, no joy. Pleasure and misfortune are compared.


It doesn&39;s just a question whether he wants to or not. If a person really care about you enough, then he can always find time to accompany you, no excuses, no lies.


A man should be worth thousands of troops, and a man should live a colorful life. Today you waste is yesterday that tomorrow can&39;t have a dream, don&39;t stop working hard!


The saddest thing in life is to be ambitious and waste your time. I don&39;m smart enough, but the Director-General likes to delay; I don&39;t use my spare time to continue charging; I&39;ll try my best to comfort myself today and tomorrow. Since we know the distance, we should start early. Face the sun, set out!


The melody of life is gorgeous in the storm, and the melody of life is high in the rough waves. The dream is the seed, then we can wield the sharp wing to sow the hope of spring on the fertile soil of life.


There are no unreasonable goals, only unreasonable deadlines! Don&39;t underestimate what you can accomplish in ten years!


Don&39;s better to leave some pride and love for yourself than to be humble in the dust. The meanest is not emotion, but the coldest is heart.


If you are not in good shape, you should exercise. If you don&39;t blame others for your embarrassment. The only thing you can complain about is yourself.


If you don&39;t ask them again. You need to understand that not everything will come true. It&39;t force, anyway, leave, are scenery, left, is life.


The starting point of success is often when the mountain is at the end of its tether, and the birth of hope often occurs when the peak turns.


Don&39;t understand, don&39;t talk when you have nothing to say.


Everything that happens to you, whether beautiful or ugly, is a gift. If you can have faith and patience, the beauty you want, time will give you.


People who don&39;t suffer losses after all. If they suffer too much losses, they will always have a heavy reward. Those who love to take advantage of the advantages will certainly not be able to take advantage of the advantages, win a small profit, but lose a large one.

20、必须不断提醒自己 :放下浮躁,静下心来阅读。放下担忧,勇敢走自己的路。放下贪婪,有失必有得。放下自卑,相信你自己。放下虚荣,别自以为是。放下容易被诱惑的眼睛,听从自己的内心。放下自私,学会懂得感恩。放下懒惰,该好好努力了。

We must constantly remind ourselves: let go of impetuosity and calm down to read. Let go of your worries and go your own way. Let go of greed and you will get what you lose. Put down your inferiority and believe in yourself. Put down your vanity and don&39;s time to work hard.


Life is a journey. Along the way, we can&39;t stop our steps, because time doesn't allow us to stay anywhere. Only in the progress of learning to choose, learning to experience, learning to appreciate.
