写经验 领红包
 > 时尚




No matter what we do, there are always some people who believe, some people suspect, some people laugh, some people wait and see, because the world is philosophical. Some people give you flowers, others throw stones! Others give us flowers, we decorate the palace of success, throw stones to keep the ladder of success! Opportunities are in your own hands, not in other people&39;t force them. We should try our best, and we don&34;if there is a realm, then it will become a lofty One&39;re upset. In fact, everything is not so bad. Sleep when it's time to sleep, sweet, fragrant, enjoy the taste of dreams.

14、 生活总是艰辛,日子仍然漫长,你和我,都是时代洪流里十分微茫的存在。但是,再渺小的个体也要活得敞亮、自在,散发着光芒!

Life is always hard, days are still long, you and I, are very small in the current of the times. However, no matter how small an individual is, he should live a bright, comfortable and radiant life!

15、 以前发个脾气,牛都拉不回来,如今生个气,转眼就感觉没必要。时间逐渐磨去了年少轻狂,也逐渐沉淀了冷暖自知。成熟后却学会:越痛,越不动声色;越苦,越保持沉默。

Before a tantrum, cattle can not pull back, such as this life angry, in a twinkling of an eye feel unnecessary. Time has gradually worn away the youth frivolity, also gradually precipitated the warmth and coldness. Mature but learned: the more pain, the more silent; the more bitter, the more silent.