写经验 领红包




The only thing that the world can do easily and effortlessly is poverty and aging, and everything else needs to be done.


There is pressure everywhere, no one can be really carefree; life is full of mud and sand, flowers and thorns coexist.


The best preservation in the world is to make continuous progress and strive to become a better person, which is more important than anything.


When people are in high spirits, they set up a good situation; when they are besieged, there will be a way.


We always think that life is ordinary, and we always regard extravagance as the norm. In fact, life is extremely limited, every day that I have not worked hard is a kind of failure to oneself.


Life can&39;t need to please. Friendship, love or life are the same, the sense of security have to give themselves.


Every day a little bit more efforts, not for anything else, just to be able to choose more choices in the future, choose the small days of cloud cirrus and Yunshu, and choose the people you like.


Contacts will only give you opportunities, but to seize them depends on your ability. Therefore, it is more important to cultivate oneself than to flatter others everywhere.