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Not with the growth of age, everyone will become more mature, even if some people see more, they do not necessarily know much. Everything depends on oneself, also must believe in oneself.


People always feel happy when they are close to happiness, but they are worried about gains and losses when they are happy.


Growing up is an instant thing. You don&39;t let go.


In the end, what you believe can be what you believe. Because the two most terrible words in the world, one is persistence, the other is serious, serious people change themselves, persistent people change their fate, do not expect sudden good luck, only hope that all efforts will eventually pay off.


Feelings such things, don&39;t think about how, the wind and rain is the best test.


People who look forward to the future are most confused, because they don&39;s character, there are some parts that can&39;t be hard on others, and don&39;t done is called growth, doing what you don't want to do is change, and doing what you dare not do is called breakthrough.


We will all meet many people, say goodbye to many people, continue to move forward, maybe fall in love with so many people, lose so many people, the key is, who is willing to stop for you.