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Remember, when something goes wrong with your body, you&39;re fed up, and that you&39;t love a scum three or five times. Taking the wrong road may be bad luck, but always jumping into a pit is mentally retarded.


Men don&39;s glorious to have a lot of spare tires, because only broken cars need spare tires. Women should not feel proud of many pursuers, because only cheap goods are looted!


When you should be kind, you must be kind. When you should scold, you must not tolerate. You are always polite. That is a bad person.


In fact, there is no so-called high cold. The person who is silent in front of you may become a chatter in front of another person. Most people can switch between high cold and tease at any time with no effort. The difference lies in who you are facing. The so-called high cold is just a prelude to not opening up.


If you care too much about other people&39;ve got to follow whatever other people fart.


Don&39;t comment on unclear things. Don&39;s not that there is no water in the well, but that you don&39;s not that success comes slowly, but that you don't work hard enough.


When you grow up, you find that sometimes you have to apologize for telling the truth, because you have exposed the truth. So if you want to live smoothly, please always take your mind with you. I examine myself three times every day: what to do, what to die, what to pretend to be.