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Everyone thought, bitter, someone hurt. For a long time, some people remember. It&39;s holding it. But the reality tells us that we should be busy in life. If you are tired, you should bear it by yourself.

2、 当你越来越漂亮时,自然有人关注你。当你越来越有能力时,自然会有人看得起你。改变自己,你才有自信,梦想才会慢慢的实现。做最好的自己,懒可以毁掉一个人,勤可以激发一个人!不要等夕阳西下的时候才对自己说,想当初、如果、要是,之类的话!不为别人,只为做一个连自己都羡慕的人。

When you are more and more beautiful, naturally someone will pay attention to you. As you become more and more capable, there will naturally be people who look up to you. Change yourself, you will have self-confidence, the dream will slowly come true. Be the best of yourself, laziness can destroy a person, diligence can inspire a person! Don&39;t be depressed, don&34;troubles&34;trouble ourselves&39;t have a long body, you will have a long mind and you will live very tired.


Others have, do not envy, as long as efforts, will have; own, do not have to show off, because others are also struggling, will have.


All the seeds, when breaking through the ground, will not think, encounter the wind and rain or sunshine. Do nothing to imagine the end, do will know what the next step is! The point is to take the first step