写经验 领红包
 > 时尚




Dialogue 3

• Ruth is asking her children to help her with the housework.

• Ruth:

Now it&39;t be too late.

Go downtown:去市中心,上街,西方的一般把居住区建在北面,把商业区建在南面,上北下南,所以去上街就叫Go downtown(汉语:上厕所,下厨房)

• Ruth:

If everyone gives a hand(帮忙), we will make it done early. Ok, let&39;s your job to clean our two bathrooms. You need to wash the tubs(浴缸), basins( 盆子), both wall and floor tiles(瓷砖). Roy, you should mow(修割草坪) and water the lawn(草坪) and vacuum(用吸尘器清扫) all the rooms. Lily and I will clean the kitchen, and I will keep an eye on (留意)the washing machine. Jimmy, you should put your toys in order(摆放有序) to make our house look tidy.

• Roy:

Can I do it some other day (改天)? I am tired from (因为…而累了)playing soccer (BE=AE football)yesterday.

• Ruth:

Sorry, you can&39;ll have to agree Lily to leave earlier for shopping. If that were the case,(假如那样) who would be left for cleaning the house ?

本句使用了虚拟语气,注意主句(would be )与从句(were the case)的时态

OK, everyone, get down to (开始认真处理, 对待)your own assignment (分配的任务)ASAP(as soon as possible) and we will dine out (在外吃饭; 在外用餐)at noon.
