写经验 领红包
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79、correet 与 right 的用法辨析


Your opinion is correct [right].你的意见是正确的。

Is this the correct[ right] way to address an envelope?信封这样写对吗?

(2)两者均可表示“恰当的”,但 correct 侧重指行为、礼貌、衣着等方面的符合公认标准或得体等;而 right 则指同类中的最佳者,即最恰当的、最适宜的、最切合实际的。如:

It' s not correct behavior.那是不合礼仪的行为。

Such casual dress would not be correct for a formal occasion.这样的便服不宜在正式场合穿。

He is the right man for the job.他是最适合做这工作的人。

Those shoes are just right in size.那双鞋子大小正合适。

(3)指道德行为方面的“正确”,或指人的身体或精神处于正常状态,均用 right。如:

It is not right to tell lies.说谎是不对的(不应该的)。

I don' t think it's right to worry my friends with my own problems.我认为不应该让我的朋友们为我的问题担忧。

He is not right in his head.他头脑不正常。

(4) right 的反义词是 wrong,correct 的反义词是 incorrect。所以下面一句的right不宜改为 correct

He is too young to tell right from wrong.他太小,还不能分辨是非。

80、 compare to 与 compare with 的用法辨析

(1) compare to是“把……比作”的意思。例如:

We compare him to a little tiger.我们把他比作小老虎。

The last days before liberation are often compared to the darkness before the dawn.


(2)compare…with 是“把……和……比较”的意思。例如:

We must compare the present with the past.我们要把现在和过去比较一下。

从上面比较可以看出,compare with 侧重一个仔细的比较过程。有时,两者都可以互相代替。例如:

He compared London to(with) Paris.他把伦敦比作巴黎。

London is large, compared to(with) Paris.同巴黎比较而言,伦敦大些。

在表示“比不上”、“不能比”的意思时,用 compare with 和 compare to 都可以。


My spoken English can't be compared with yours.我的口语比不上你的。

The pen is not compared to that one.这笔比不上那支。

81、 close 与 shut 的用法辨析


Close [ Shut ]the door.把门关上。

He closed [shut ] his eyes.他闭上了眼晴。

Shops close [shut] at 5:30.商店5:30关门

They shut [closed] the door on me.他们把我拒之门外。

He closed [ shut ] his ears to our advice.他对我们的劝告充耳不闻。


1)两者的过去式和过去分词分别是 shut 和 closed,都可用作形容词。如:

The windows were all closed [shut].窗户都关上了。

但 closed 可放在名词前作定语,而shut一般不这样用。如:

a closed window已关上的窗户

2)表示“结束(会议等)”、“关闭(交通等)”、“遮住(表面)”等,通常要用 close(不用shut)。如:

The meeting closed at six o' clock.会议6点钟结束。

She closed her face with her hands.她用手捂住脸。

They' ve closed the road for repairs.他们已关闭这条公路,准备翻修。

3)表示“禁闭”,通常用shut(不用 close)。如:

He was shut in the bedroom.他被关在卧室里。
