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在生活中,很多人可能想了解和弄清楚【自学英语】 一天一课磨耳背诵,五个月入门口语及语法(55)的相关问题?那么关于英语磨耳朵一天听多久的答案我来给大家详细解答下。


Lesson 55 The Sawyer family 索耶一家人 Listen to the tape then answer this question. When do the children do their homework? 听录音,然后回答问题:孩子们什么时候做功课?



The Sawyer live at 87 King Street.

In the morning, Mr. Sawyer goes to work and the children go to school.Their father takes them to school every day.

Mrs. Sawyer stays at home every day. She does the housework.

She always eats her lunch at noon.

In the afternoon, she usually sees her friends. They often drink tea together.

In the evening, the children come home from school. They arrive home early.

Mr. Sawyer comes home from work. He arrives home late.

At night, the children always do their homework. Then they go to bed. Mr. Sawyer usually reads his newspaper, but sometimes he and his wife watch television.


The Sawyers live at 87 King Street.


In the morning, Mr. Sawyer goes to work and the children go to school.Their father takes them to school every day.


Mrs. Sawyer stays at home every day. She does the housework.


She always eats her lunch at noon.


In the afternoon, she usually sees her friends. They often drink tea together.


In the evening, the children come home from school. They arrive home early.


Mr. Sawyer comes home from work. He arrives home late.


At night, the children always do their homework. Then they go to bed. Mr. Sawyer usually reads his newspaper, but sometimes he and his wife watch television.


【词汇】 live v. 住,生活 stay v. 呆在,停留 Home n. 家;adv. 到家 housework n. 家务 lunch n. 午饭 afternoon n. 下午 usually adv. 通常 together adv. 一起 evening n. 晚上 arrive v. 到达 night n. 夜间 live in(at) 住在... stay at Home 呆在家里 do the housework 做家务 do one&39;s lunch 吃午饭 in the afternoon 下午 at night 晚上 Home 家 house 房子 living room 客厅 bedroom 卧室 kitchen 厨房 garden 花园 town 城镇 village 村庄 country 乡下;国家 arrive 到达 evening 傍晚,晚间 night 夜间 too 肯定句中表示“也” either 否定句和疑问句中表示“也” do one&39;s housework [一般不用] do the housework breakfast:早餐 supper:晚餐 dinner:正餐,宴会 meal:一顿饭 three meals a day in the evening arrive in/ at at night go to work:去上班 go to school:去上学 take sb. to somewhere:带某人去…… stay at Home 呆在家里 do the housework 做家务 eat/have one&39;s friends:拜访……的朋友 drink tea together:一起喝茶 come Home from school:从学校回家 come Home from work:下班回家 arrive Home 到家 do one&39;s newspaper:读报纸 watch TV:看电视

温馨提示:通过以上关于【自学英语】 一天一课磨耳背诵,五个月入门口语及语法(55)内容介绍后,相信大家有新的了解,更希望可以对你有所帮助。