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在生活中,很多人可能想了解和弄清楚“喝汤”的英语是drink soup还是eat soup的英语口语训练的相关问题?那么关于喝汤的英语是什么的答案我来给大家详细解答下。


“喝汤”的英语是drink soup还是eat soup的英语口语训练

对于我们这些习惯了“应试考试”思维,以“对”“错”,或“非黑即白”划分世界的中国英语学习者,会很自然的对人说:英语“喝汤”说drink soup是“错”的,说eat soup才对。



“喝汤”是Do you drink soup or还是 Do you eat soup?



1. It is much of a debate when we come to the question:Do people drink soup or Do people eat soup?

在英语世界里,一般是不会直接了当说Correct或Wrong. Absolutely wrong(大错特错)来驳斥对方的,其实,没有什么“对错”可言,我们只说It is much of a debate就好:a debate is a discussion,an argument(讨论,别论,争论)。也就是用I agree with you or I disagree/don't agree with you.所以,对于这个问题,最好不要从“语法思维”去讨论,还是说下面的英语吧:

Well, you know.It is much of a debate/a discussion/an argument when we come to the question:Do people drink or Do people eat soup?

2.Well, I agree with you or I disagree/don't agree with you when you say Eat soup or Drink soup.

还是说“同意不同意对方”吧,不要一开口就说人家“对错”(Right ,or Wrong)

3. It all depends on how you eat it or drink it.

To depend on is to rely on 取决于

4. If you consider soup as a food,and eat it with a spoon,or use a spoon to eat it, of course you may say you eat soup from a plate,or from a soup dish.

用勺子从盘子进食,就说eat soup

5. But if you drink the soup, or take a sip of the soup(吸一口),take a sip 也叫slurp the soup out of the bowl, then you are drinking the soup, not eating the soup.

我们这样用英语来debate到底是eat soup or drink soup问题对我们的英语提高不更有意义吗?我们为什么一定要做一个“英语权威”,说人家right或说人家wrong不可呢?

毕竟,提高英语表达能力才是我们的目的,不是eat or drink本身。

温馨提示:通过以上关于“喝汤”的英语是drink soup还是eat soup的英语口语训练内容介绍后,相信大家有新的了解,更希望可以对你有所帮助。