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Pocket money与allowance有什么不同?

我们人的这个大脑是个好东西:它会想,会思考,最主要的它还会在反复实践之后“归纳”:哦,我看出点门道来了,原来是这样。。。(Okay.I got you.I got)。


我们来看一看:我们怎么样通过运用“思考”和“归纳”的方式来学习和学会“挣零花钱”用英语是怎么说的。我现在把我Yahoo到的一些有关英语零花钱的原版英语放上来,我们一起来看一看:英语“挣零花钱零”,哦,我知道了,我知道怎么说了(Okay.I got it)英语“零花钱”了。

1) 我是学过的英语有“两个”:earn an allowance和earn some pocket money,于是我先用我学过的英语(I earn some pocket money) Yahoo到以下原版英语的:

Best 5 Websites To Earn Extra Pocket Money For Students

Who says “no” to extra side income? The internet is the best source to earn extra pocket money for students and housewives.

If you are looking for work from home jobs to earn some beer money, you can read these money-making ideas.

Earn Extra Pocket Money For Students

The websites listed below are free to join. You can choose the websites based on your skill and creativity.

“读出”点名堂来了没有?Okay.I got you了没有?


Okay.I got you.When we say:We are students,or we are housewives,and we earn some pocket money,or some extra pocket money(人家还用了earn beer money来着),we always mean we earn this extra pocket money by doing something like working online,on the Internet,on the websites.

这就是我“归纳”出的我们用pocket money表达“零花钱”的场景:students,也就是more than 18 years old,an adult,a housewife. Where? On the Internet!

2) 我又用学过的earn an allowance来Yahoo,原版英语如下:

9 Chores Every Child Can Do to Earn Allowance from Their Parents

Here are nine chores kids can do at various ages to earn an allowance from their parents:

1. Washing Dishes.

2. Doing the Laundry.

3. Sweeping.

4. Dusting.

5. Watering the Garden.

6. Cleaning the Windows

7. Helping prepare meals

“归纳”出在什么场景使用earn an allowance了没?


1. Okay.I got you.We say:Earn pocket money and earn an allowance in different situations(场景).

2. When we say:We earn allowance(an allowance here means Money.It's money,lije picket money), we always earn this money(called allowance) from our parents/our fsthet or mother

3. We earn allowance from doing chores.


4.When you do something for your parents,like 1. Washing Dishes,

like 2. Doing the Laundry,like 3. Sweeping,like 4. Dusting,like 5. Watering the Garden,like 6. Cleaning the Windows,like 7. Helping prepare meals.这就叫chores,or house chores,难道非得说chore的中文才能“懂得”chore什么意思吗?

限于篇幅,我们姑且不管pocket money和allowance都表示“零花钱,零用钱,买糖果钱”还有什么异同,至少我们这一轮纯“英语口语”下来,我们不仅学到了很多,首先我们的英语思维能力和口语能力都有所训练和提高了。


Earn pocket money? From websites as students or housewives.

Earn allowance? From your parents for doing house chores.
