在生活中,很多人可能想了解和弄清楚核心词汇a brilliant feat 光辉业绩的相关问题?那么关于光辉业绩是什么短语类型的答案我来给大家详细解答下。
The bridge is a brilliant feat in engineering.
/ fiːt / n. an achievement that requires great courage, skill or strength 壮举,业绩,功绩,技艺
If you refer to an action, or the result of an action, as a feat, you admire it because it is an impressive and difficult achievement. 功绩(表赞许)
1. an extraordinary feat 非凡业绩
2. a remarkable feat 了不起的壮举
3. a considerable feat 非凡壮举
4. a incredible feat 非凡壮举
5. perform an astonishing feat 表演惊人的技艺
6. achieve an incredible feat 取得非凡功绩
7. no mean feat (= something that is difficult to do) 不是一般的成就
1. The skyscraper is a feat of engineering.
2. This is an incredible feat .
3. They climbed the mountain in 28 days, a remarkable feat.
4. It is no mean feat to perform such a difficult piece.
5. A racing car is an extraordinary feat of engineering.
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