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The professor giving a speech about pollution now is from Harvard University.

The Slow Movement is a term that describes a wide range of efforts taking place around the world.

Last night we eventually got the message concerning the special meeting.

Can you show me any word beginning with the letter “L”?

They lived in a room facing the north.

The flowers smelling sweet in the botanic garden attract the visitors to the beauty of nature.

Can you smell anything burning?

There is something missing.

The Slow Movement语法填空

The Slow Movement is a term that describes a wide range of efforts 61 (take) place around the world that seek to connect us more meaningfully with others, with places, and with ourselves. At first it 62 (advocate)as an effort to change the fast-paced, commodity-focused and unbalanced nature of modem human culture.

The Slow Movement 63 (date) back to 1986 when Slow Food began in Italy as a reaction to “fast food”. Carlo Petrini founded the Slow Food movement 64 (promote)the use of fresh local foods, grown with modem farming techniques, prepared with love, and consumed in 65 unhurried manner with good friends and family. He and others soon realized that food was just one of those 66 (aspect)of life that were benefited. “Slow”eventually became known 67 a way of life.

It’s important to note that the Slow Movement isn’t about doing things slowly. It’s about finding the right speed with 68 people do something in a way that values quality over quantity and long-term benefits over short-term gains.

One thing that isn’t slow about the movement is its 69 (grow). The time for slow has arrived as people around the world jump into the world of slow to enjoy a much 70 (good)life.

61. taking 62. Was advocated 63. dates 64. to promote 65. an

66. aspects 67. as 68. which 69. growth 70. Better
