在生活中,很多人可能想了解和弄清楚学一句基础英语口语:by a show of hands 举手表决的相关问题?那么关于举手表决英语怎么说的答案我来给大家详细解答下。
学一句基础英语口语:by a show of hands 举手表决
1) “表决”(to decide, to reach an agreement,or a decision)的方式有很多:
Let's decide:
1. by head count 数人头
2. by flipping a coin 抛硬币。head or tail? 要人头还是字?
3. by odd or even pick 猜单双
4. by paper stone scissors 石头剪子布
5.by best of 3/best of 5三局两胜/五局三胜
6. by a secret ballot 不记名投票
7. by voting 投票表决
Let's decide by a show of hands.
2) by a show of hands什么意思啊?
Well,a show of hands is to raise your hand when you are asked to decide on something.
1. Class, we'll decide when to throw a party by a show of hands. Who wants to throw it
2. We were asked to vote for the Excellent Student by a show of hands.
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