写经验 领红包





我们“学”英语多年,从来只会简单的用Yes or No,“会”或“不会”回答“问题”。也就是只会回答“鱼”的问题,不会回答“渔”的问题,也就是:我不会,但是,我“会”用方法“知道怎么说”。




1) 打开英文yahoo网页

2) 我想说“人为什么害怕打针”能不能说成英语Why are people scared of injections呢?

3) 我也不知道能不能这么说呀! 没关系,我们就用Why are people scared of injections作为搜索的key words到yahoo 上搜索吧。

4) 你的英语再“烂”也没关系,你的英语再差也没关系,至少你还会“说”be scared of/be afraid of, 会“说”injection这几个关键的英语单词。 如果“都不会”,那么,你的英语水平真的还没达到“使用工具解决英语问题”的程度

5) 我们从Yahoo上输入的Why are people scared of injections上“求证”到“什么英语”?

6) 我们“搜索”到了很多“怕打针”的英语:

1. 7 Tips to Help Kids OvercomeFear of Needle Shots - Parents

2. Helping a Child Who Is Afraid of Shots - WebMD

3. 4 Ways to Overcome the Fear of Injections - wikiHow

4. Why are people afraid of injection? - Quora

5. Why are so many of us terrified of injections? | Society

6. Why are some people so afraid of having an injectionin the butt?

7. 文章:

7 Tips to Help Kids Overcome Fear of Needle Shots

Is your child scared of getting shots? Reduce your toddler's anxiety before your next visit to the doctor's office.

7) 所有这些搜索到的英语不就正式我们所说和所要的“英语语言环境”吗?

8) 对于“第一次”真正在“英语语言环境”中“见到”英语“害怕打针”表达的我们,我们完全可以从这 些英语里“求证”英语和“说”英语了。

9) Put English into English口语训练:

1. Okay.Got you. People do say:be scared of injections for 害怕打针

2. Okay.Got you. We have many ways to say 害怕打针 in English.

For example,we can say:Are you scared of injections?

We can also say:Are you afraid of needle shots ?

We can also say:Do you have fear of having an injection in the butt?

We can also say:Are you scared of getting shots?


