写经验 领红包







①There is a growing concern for ...


②Nowadays it is common to see/hear


③ There is an old saying/proverb which says/goes.


④... has been playing an increasingly important role in our daily life.


⑤Recently the phenomenon has become a heated topic, some people are in alarm that……


⑥Recently the issue has aroused great/wide concern among 事.


⑦With the development of society, people are attaching much importance to .... So it&39;s views on ... vary from person to person.Some hold that....However,others believe that ....人们对……的看法因人而异。有些人认为……。而其他人却认为……

④More and more people are prone to……. But there are also quite a few people who strongly advocate that ...越来越多的人倾向于……。不过,也有少数人强烈支持……

⑤When it comes to…, opinions vary. Most people believe that.. but other people hold that .... 说到……,人们的观点不一。很多人认为……,但其他人认为……


①Personally/In my opinion/For my pat/As far as I am concemed/In my view/From my point of view,I would like/prefer to在我看来,我希望/更愿意…

②it scems to me that ..在我看来,

③To my knowledge/As far as I know


④I cannot agree more with ....我十分同意…

⑤I am in favor of the former/latter one我赞成前者/后者的看法。

⑥I stand on the side of the former/latter opinion.我赞同前/后一种观点。

⑦My point of view on … largely results from the fact that ....


⑧To be frank/Frankly speaking.I cannot agree with them for the following reasons.老实说,我不同意他们的观点,理由如下。



①As the saying/proverb goes, “.... ”谚语说:“....…&34;...” is a famous saying, which means ...“……”是一句名言,意思是……

③As sb. puts it,正如某人说的那样,…④“……”That is how sb. comments/criticizes/praises “………”某人是这样评价/批判/赞扬 ……的。….”

⑤How often we hear such words like these.“……”我们经常能听到这样的言论。


①First(ly)..... Second(ly)..... Third ly). ...首先,……。第二,……。第三,……

②On one hand,; on the other hand,..../For one thing..; for another, ...一方面,……;另一方面,…

③It should be noted that ..需要注意的是………

⑤We have good reasons to believe that ...我们有充分的理由相信……

⑥The main reasons for this i



①From what has been discussed/mentioned above, we may conclude that .…通过以上讨论/提到的,我们可以得出……

②Therefore, it is not difficult to come to/draw the conclusion that ...因此,我们不难得出……的结论。

③All in all, what really matters is ....总之,……才是最重要的。

④In conclusion, the most important is ....总之,最重要的是……

⑤Only in this way, can we....只有这样做,我们才能……

⑥Thus, it can be concluded that ....因此,我们可以得出……

⑦Taking all these factors into account,we may come to the conclusion that ...把所有的因素都考虑在内,我们也许可以得出……的结论。
