写经验 领红包
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This is a picture of Tina's family. Tina is a student. She is in a red dress today. Her coat is blue. The

man in brown shirt is Tina's father,Mr Black. He's a policeman. The woman is Tina'smother, Mrs Black.

She is in a red hat. She is a nurse. The boy is Tina's brother, Jim. He is in black jacket and green trousers.

He is a student, too.

1. Tina's dress is____.[ ]




2. Tina's father is a____.[ ]

A. driver

B. worker

C. policeman

3. Tina is Jim's .[ ]

A. friend

B. brother

C. sister

4. What's Mrs Black's job?[ ]

A. Doctor.

B. Nurse.

C. Teacher.

5. Jim is in _____ jacket.[ ]

A. black

B. blue

C. green

答案1~5 ACCBA

Dear Li Ming,

Now we are on the farm of our village in the west of England.We are having a good time.There are

many children here.Mary and Ted are playing soccer.Some people are singing under the big green tree.

Some people are swimming in the river.Some people are taking photos near the river.I'm writing to you.

What are you doing now? I hope you are enjoying the summer holiday(假期)。


1. Who is writing the letter?[ ]

A. Li Ming.

B. Lucy.

C. Mike.

D. Kate.

2. Where are Mike and his friends?[ ]

A. On a farm.

B. In the west of China.

C. In a city.

D. In the south of England.

3. What is Ted doing?[ ]

A. He's reading.

B. He's taking photos.

C. He's singing.

D. He's playing soccer.

4. What are Mike and his friends doing?[ ]

A. They are enjoying the holiday.

B. They are studying.

C. They are swimming and singing

D. They are working.

5. What holiday are they having?[ ]

A. A summer holiday.

B. A winter holiday.

答案 1.C 2.A 3.D 4.A 5.A
