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 > 地理


导语:GRE词汇 | Day7: 每天5个GRE词汇

animus 英 [ˈænɪməs] 美 [ˈænɪməs] n. 敌意;意图;基本态度;女性的男性意向

■拆: anim(life)+us -> 有生命; 表示强烈的感情(拉丁文中将灵魂分为阴性和阳性) 这边表示敌对的情绪 -> 敌意

考点: n.敌意: a usually prejudiced and often spiteful or malevolent ill will, enmity

■e.g. She felt no animus toward those who had wronged her 她对那些冤枉了她的人没有敌意。

■同: animosity, antagonism, antipathy, hostility, rancor

■反: friendliness, amity, amenity 友好

sartorial 英 [sɑːˈtɔːriəl] 美 [sɑːrˈtɔːriəl] adj. 裁缝的;缝纫的;裁缝匠的

■拆: sart(patch; mender修修补补)+or+ial(adj后缀) -> 裁缝的

考点: adj.裁缝匠的,裁缝的: of or relating to a tailor or tailored clothes

■e.g. poor sartorial taste很烂的穿衣品位

rave 英 [reɪv] 美 [reɪv] v. 热烈地谈论或书写;咆哮;胡言乱语;极力夸奖;(非正式)参加狂欢聚会 n. 狂欢晚会;热烈赞美;(马车的)围杆;电子舞蹈音乐;胡言乱语;咆哮 adj. 高度赞扬的

考点1: vi.狂热赞扬: to make an exaggerated display of affection or enthusiasm

■e.g. Critics raved about the new play.新剧得到了评论家们的热烈赞扬。

■同: drool, effuse, enthuse, fuss, rhapsodize, slobber

■反: blame, censure, condemn, criticize, denounce, pan, reprehend 批评,指责

考点2: vi.(发疯般地)怒吼: to talk irrationally and wildly in or as if in delirium

■e.g. a man standing outside the city hall,raving like a lunatic about his tax bill 站在市政大厅外、像疯子一样口叫嚷着自己税单的人

■同: bluster, fulminate, huff, rant, roar, spout

■反: grumble, murmur, mutter 小声抱怨

precipice 英 [ˈpresəpɪs] 美 [ˈpresəpɪs] n. 悬崖;绝壁;险境

■拆: pre(before)+cip(head)+ice(n 表示状态) -> 头在前; 一头栽下 -> 悬崖; 绝壁

考点: n.悬崖峭壁: a very steep or overhanging place

■e.g. a precipice too steep to climb 过于陡峭而无法攀爬的悬崖

■同: bluff, cliff, crag, escarpment, palisade

■反: ridge山脊

■派: precipitous adj.陡峭的

gash 英 [ɡæʃ] 美 [ɡæʃ] n. 很深的裂缝;砍得很深的伤口 vt. 划开;砍入很深;(使)负深伤

考点1: n.砍得很深的伤口: a long deep cut

■e.g. got a gash in his knee that required four stitches 膝盖伤得很深,需要缝针

■同: incision, laceration, rent, rip, tear

考点2: v.砍: to make a gash in

■e.g. Her face had been gashed by the rocks as she tumbled down the embankment. 当她从提岸上摔下来 时脸上被刮了一道口

■同: cut, incision, piercing, slash, slice, slit

■反: sew缝合
