写经验 领红包
 > 健康



1, dare to do 敢于去做 I dare to play football 我敢于去踢足球

2, be proud of =take the pride in 以。。。自豪

I am proud of you 我以你为骄傲= I take the pride in you

3,I come here from time to time/ at times /sometimes我有时来这里

4,in person 私人。 I can talk with you in person 我能单独和你聊天

5, deal/do with 处理 I can deal/do with my problem 我能处理我的问题

6,make a decision /decide/make up one’s mind to do sth 决定去做某事

I made a decision to study English well =I made up my mind to study English well =I decided to study English well 我决定去学习好英语

7,no longer =not any longer =no more =not any more 不再

I don’t like bananas any longer /any more我不在喜欢香蕉了。

I like bananas no more /no longer我不再喜欢香蕉

8,take care of =look after照顾 I can look after/take care of myself我能照顾我自己

9,What is he like?=What does he look like ?他看起来像什么?

10,完成时 +since +过去时

I have seen you since you came in 自从你进来,我就看见你了

11,It’s adj (for sb )to do sth 做某事对某人如何

It’s great for me to study English well 把英语学习好对我是很好的

12,It’s adj (of sb )to do sth 某人如何去做某事

It’s very nice of you to help me 你这个人真好,来帮助我

13,return=go back= come back 回来

I return to Beijing =I come back to Beijing = I go back to Beijing 我回到北京

Return归还 例如:I must return your book 我必须归还你的书

14, be used as 被用于。。。作为 It’s used as a tool 它被使用作为一个工具

Be used to do =be used for doing sth 被使用做。。。

It’s used for writing =It’s used to write 它是被使用去写字

15,enough +名词 足够多的。。。I have enough money 我有足够多的钱

形容词或者副词+enough I run fast enough 我跑得足够快。He is tall enough 他足够高

16,seldom 很少(有否定意义)

I seldom read books 我几乎不读书
