写经验 领红包





1. 特殊动词到,变化很简要:凡是有问号,动词打颠倒。

(am , is , are ,was ,were, can ,could ,may , might , must ,shall , should , will ,would,另外. have ,has ,had在完成时中作助动词)

I am a student . You are sitting here .

否定 I am not a student . You are not sitting here .

一般疑问 Are you a student ? Are we sitting here?

What/ are you ? Where/ are we sitting███?

2.包括 do ,does , did ,have ,has ,had 在内的行为动词句型变化口诀分解:

A:先将原句谓语(第一动词)寻,依法变为一般疑 ,(一般 问句结构:Do,Does ,Did + 主语 +动词原形 +其他成分 + 问号),划线部分用词换,变为相应疑问词;分别提到句首去,原处销掉不留痕。

Her son has six classes at school every day .

否定 Her son doesn’t have six classes at school every day .

一般疑问 Does her son have six classes at school every day?

1.(at school) Where does her son have six classes █████ every day ?

2.(every day) When does her son have six classes at school █████ ?

3.(six classes) What does her son have ██████at school every day?

4.(six) How many classes does her son have██████ at school every day ?

5.(have six classes) What does her son do at school every day ?

6.(her son) Who has six classes at school every day ?

7. (her) Whose son has six classes at school every day ?

B: 以上(4)说明定语加名词是整体,一起提到句首去。如:

She has English lessons every evening .

What lessons does she have █████████every evening ?

C: 以上(5)说明:具体动词笼统化,动词划线问干啥。如:

You do morning exercises at home sometimes.

You don’t do morning exercises at home sometime

Do we do morning exercises at home sometime ?

What do we do ███████████at home sometime ?

D: 以上(6)说明:凡是问主语,语序不变。(简言之:凡是问开头,后面就照抄,再加问号)

如:My father does some housework on Sundays .

Who does some housework on Sundays ?

Whose father does some housework on Sundays?



1、问姓名:What's your name ? →My name is Jim .

2、问时间:What's the time? 或What time is it? → It's five o'clock.

3、问颜色:What color is the hat? → The hat is yellow.

4、问数量:What's three and (plus) four? → It's seven.

5、问职业:What does your father do?(或What's your father?) →My father is a worker.

6、问年龄:What's your age?(或How old are you?) →I'm twelve years old.

7、问毛病:What's wrong with your bike? →It's broken.

8、问星期几:What day is it tomorrow? → It's Wednesday.

9、问东西:What's this / that in English? →It's a black cat.

10、问某处有何物:What's in the picture? →There is a bird in it ?

11、天气状况:What's the weather like today? (How’s the weather today ?)

→It's windy.(sunny、rainy、snowy、cloudy)


13:动词:(动词及对象)用what…do 提问: (时态不变 、动词结构不变 )

①We usually have an hour for sports after class .(一般现在时)

What do you usually do after class ?

②He often helps me with my English .(一般现在时)

What does he often do ?

③She is listening to the radio now .(现在进行时)

What is she doing now ?

④They are going to watch a football game next Sunday .(一般将来时)

What are they going to do next Sunday ?

⑤They had an English class yesterday .(一般过去时)

What did they do yesterday ?

⑥Mother told me not to spend too much time on football .(动词结构不变)

What did your mother tell you not to do ?(tell sb not to do sth )


1、划线部分表示的是某个具体时间(在几点钟)时, 用what time提问:

例:①It's ten o'clock. → What time is it? 或 What 's the time ?

②He goes to school at a quarter past seven. →What time does he go to school?


例:①They will play football this morning. →When will they play football?

②We shall go home at five this afternoon. →When shall we go home?

3、划线部分表示的是持续的一段时间时用How long 提问。

例:①You can keep the book for a month.(一个月)→How long may I keep the book?

②His mother worked at the hospital the whole night.

→How long d id his mother work at the hospital?

4、划线部分表示从现在起一段时间之后,用How soon 提问。

例:Tom will go to New York in a few days .(几天之后)→How soon will Tom go to New York?

5、划线部分表示时隔多久或动作发生的时间频率,用How often 提问:

例:My sister writes to me once a month.(一月一次) → How often does your sister write to you?

who : 对作主语的“人”提问。

whom: 对作宾语的“人”提问。

whose: 对“某人的”或“某物的”(作前置定语)提问。

which: 对“哪一个”或“哪一些”(介词短语作后置定语)提问。

where: 对作表语或状语的“地点”提问。

when: 对“表示一日之内的某一时段”或“某个具体时间(在几点钟)”提问。

why: 对“原因”提问。

how: 对“身体状况”或“方式”提问。

how many +名词复数:对“可数名词的量”或“个数”提问。

how many times: 对“次数”提问。

how much+不可数名词:对“不可数名词的量”提问。

how much: 对“价格”提问。

how old: 对“年龄”提问

how often : 对“频率”提问

how soon : 对“将来的时间”提问

how long : 对“一段时间”提问

how +( long长;wide 宽;high 、tall高;deep 深;): 对“度量”提问
