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在生活中,很多人可能想了解和弄清楚有趣的世界,轻松的英语:Koala 考拉的相关问题?那么关于考拉有点有趣的英文的答案我来给大家详细解答下。


The koala is an animal native to Australia. 考拉是一种原产于澳大利亚的动物。

It is often called the koala bear because it looks like a small bear. However, it is not a bear. 它经常被称为考拉熊,因为它看起来像一只小熊。不过,它不是熊。

Koalas live in the eucalyptus forests of eastern Australia. 考拉生活在澳大利亚东部的桉树林中。

Eucalyptus are trees unique to Australia. Their leaves are the main diet of koalas. 桉树是澳大利亚特有的树。它们的叶子是树袋熊的主要食物。

Koalas live in trees and are rarely found on the ground. They do not drink often. They get most of their water from the Eucalyptus leaves. 考拉生活在树上,很少在地面上被发现。他们不常喝水。它们需要的大部分水分来自桉树的叶子。

Koalas sleep up to 20 hours a day. They are mostly active at night. 考拉一天睡20个小时。它们大多在夜间活动。

Koalas have fingerprints which look the same as human fingerprints. It is difficult to tell if the prints are from a human or koala. 考拉的指纹和人类的指纹看起来简直一模一样。很难分辨一些指纹是来自人类还是考拉。

People do not know why the koala has fingerprints. But scientists guess that it helps the koala select leaves to eat. 我们也不知道考拉为什么会有指纹。但科学家猜测,这有助于考拉选择吃哪些树叶。

温馨提示:通过以上关于有趣的世界,轻松的英语:Koala 考拉内容介绍后,相信大家有新的了解,更希望可以对你有所帮助。