写经验 领红包
 > 时尚




1,agree with sb 同意某人

I agree with you 我同意你

2,agree to do 同意去做

I agree to help you 我同意去帮助你

3,agree on sth 在。。。达成一致

We agree on it 我们对这件事达成一致

4,be able to (能,将来时),can ,能

I will be able to go hiking 我将去远足

I can do it 我能做到

5,send sth to sb =send sb sth 给某人寄某物

I can send you a book =I can send a book to you 我能寄给你一本书

6,grow up 长大

I can grow up healthily 我能健康的成长

7,be sure about 对某事确定

I am sure about my score 我对我的成绩很确定

8,be sure to do sth 确定去做某事

I am sure to do sports everyday 我确定每天做运动

9,write to sb 写信给某人

I can write to you 我能写信给你

10,be sure /make sure+that +从句 对。。。确定

I am sure that I can do it

=I make sure that I can do it 我确定我能做到

11,keep on doing =go on doing 继续做某事

I keep on reading= I go on reading 我继续读书

12,take up doing 开始做某事

I take up learning English 我开始学习英语

13,at the beginning of 在。。。。起初

At the beginning of the term ,I started to learn French 在这个学期的起初,我开始学习法语

14,practise doing sth 练习做某事

I practice reading 我练习阅读

15,promise to do sth 承诺去做某事

I promise to do sports everyday 我承诺每天做运动

16,Can you see others?=Can you see other things = Can you see anything else?你还能看见其他的东西吗?
