写经验 领红包
 > 美食



01/6Here are some things that you may try这里有一些你可以尝试的事情

When it is about weight loss, walking is considered the most underrated workout routine. As compared to other exercises it does not spike the heart rate, blast fat or burn tons of calories. It is a low-impact activity, which isn&39;t feel tired easily. 如果你真的打算通过步行减掉几公斤,那么你需要调整你的步伐。 仅仅散步只会燃烧有限的卡路里。 要从锻炼中获得更多收益,您需要快步走。 您也可以尝试从快到慢,然后再快速交替您的步伐。 这会给你足够的时间来放松,你不会轻易感到疲倦。

04/6Experiment with your terrain尝试你的地形

Burning calories is all about challenging your body. You need to find different ways to challenge your body, and experimenting with your terrain is another excellent way to achieve the objective. Changing the terrain will increase your intensity and will help you burn more calories. You can walk on pavement or rocky surfaces. Even stairs are an excellent option.燃烧卡路里就是挑战你的身体。 您需要找到不同的方式来挑战您的身体,而在您的地形上进行试验是实现目标的另一种绝佳方式。 改变地形会增加你的强度并帮助你燃烧更多的卡路里。 您可以在人行道或岩石表面行走。 即使是楼梯也是一个很好的选择。

05/6Work on your form走路姿势

We often tend to ignore our form and posture when walking. This factor also determines how much weight we will lose by following this workout routine. Walking in incorrect posture will not only lead to muscle strain and sprain but will burn minimum calories. While walking a person should look ahead at all times, lengthen their stride, tighten their abdominal muscles and swing their arms to burn more calories.走路时,我们往往会忽略我们的形式和姿势。 这个因素也决定了我们按照​​这个锻炼程序会减掉多少体重。 以不正确的姿势走路不仅会导致肌肉拉伤和扭伤,还会消耗最少的卡路里。 走路时要时刻注视前方,加长步幅,收紧腹部肌肉,挥动手臂以燃烧更多卡路里。

06/6Go for shorter walks短途步行

This may surprise you but going for shorter walks is more beneficial for weight loss compared to longer walks. This can help you stay active all day. Also, walking after each meal is considered to be more beneficial. Going for shorter walks will also help you maintain your pace and form, which is compromised in case of longer walking sessions.这可能会让您感到惊讶,但与长距离步行相比,短距离步行对减肥更有益。 这可以帮助您整天保持活跃。 此外,每餐后散步被认为更有益。 进行更短的步行也将帮助您保持您的步伐和形式,如果步行时间更长,这会受到影响。
