写经验 领红包
 > 财经



1.请来两瓶啤酒。  Two bottles of beers,please.  Two beers,please.  2.让我们忘了工作,痛快一会儿吧。  Let“s forget about work and have some fun.  Let”s get our minds off of work and have a good time.  Let“s take our minds off of work.  3.干杯!  Cheers!  Bottoms up!  4.第一口最舒坦了。  The first sip is the best!  The first taste is the greatest!  The first gulp is the best! 5.再来一杯,怎么样?  Would you like a refill?  Would you like more?  How about a refill?  Would you like one more?  Would you like another cup?  6.再来一瓶啤酒!  Another beer,please.  One more beer,please.  7.我觉得有点儿醉了。  I feel a little tipsy.  I”m slightly drunk.  8.酩酊大醉。  I“m loaded.  I”m wasted.  9.喝酒要适可而止。  Drink moderately.  Don“t overdo it.  Please Don”t drink too much.  10.我喝得太多了。 I“drank too much.  I had too much to drink.  11.我不该喝这么多的。  I should have drank less.  I shouldn t have drank this much.  12.你想喝点什么?  What would you like to drink?  Have you anything in mind what to drink?  What would you have for drink?  13.不要过量饮酒。  Please drink moderately.  Please not over do.  Don”t drink too much,please.  14.这酒口感一定很独特吧。  The liquor must be special in taste.  The liquor must has a special taste.

15.我们去酒吧喝点如何?  Shall we go to the pub?  Shall we go drinking?  Shall we go out for a drink?  Do you feel like having a drink?  16.他醉醺醺地了。  He is loaded.  He is wasted.  He is quite drunk.  17.我请客。  This is my treat.  This is on me.  18.我来付钱。  Let me pay.  Let me take care of the bill.  19.我们各付各的。  Let“s split the bill.  Let”s go fifty fifty on the bill.  Let“s go Dutch. 20.他酒量很小。  He get drunk easily.  He get drunk quickly.  He is far from a heavy drinker.
