11.How much is the RMB trading at today?今天人民币的成交价是多少?
12.Can you change RMB into US dollars?可以帮我把人民币换成美元吗?
13.Where is the money/currency exchange counter?在哪儿可以兑换货币?
14.What's the current exchange rate for RMB?此刻人民币的兑换汇率是多少?
15.Can you break this 100 US dollar bill?可以帮我把这100美元换成零钱吗?
16.I'd like to change 5000 yuan into US dollars.我想将5000元人民币兑换成美元。
17.The exchange rate is 16.11 cents for one Yuan.汇率是1元人民币换16.11美分。
18.Please fill out this request for foreign currency.请您填写一下外币申请表。
19.What's the exchange rate for U.S.dollars to euros?美元兑欧元的汇率是多少?
20.Could you break this into 3 twenties,3 tens and the rest in coins, please?请把这样(100元钞)换成3张20元、3张10元,其余的换零钱。