写经验 领红包



贞祐通宝是中国古代钱币的一种。金宣宗完颜询,贞祐年间(1213-1217年)铸,并配合贞佑钞发行。钱文楷收直读,有平钱、折二、折五三种。 光背无文。

贞祐(元年:1213年 - 末年:1217年)是金宣宗的第一个年号。金宣宗使用贞祐这个年号一共五年。金宣宗完颜珣即位后,金已面临蒙古大军压境的局面。此后的二十年间,金逐步走向了衰亡。货币经济也已全面崩溃,因而铸币仅为政权存在的象征,数量越来越少。完颜珣共建有三个年号:“贞祐”、“兴定”、“元光”。贞祐年间铸有“贞祐通宝”、“贞祐元宝”两种宝文的大小数等钱币,存世均少,弥足珍贵。







大宋通宝(当拾):南宋大钱 大宋通宝当拾大钱, 历代钱币五十名珍,历来就是钱币收藏者倍受推崇的至上珍品,其收藏价值、欣赏价值及研究价值是无可限量的,也是极其重要的。


英文翻译:Zhen you Tong Bao is a kind of ancient Chinese coin. Jin Xuanzong Wanyan Xun, Zhenyou period (1213-1217), and with the issuance of Zhenyou banknotes. Money wenkai direct reading, there are flat money, 20%, 50%. Bare back without words.

Jeongyou (year 1:1213 - year end: 1217) was the first year title of King Kim Sunjong. Jin Xuanzong used the name Zhenyou for five years. Jin Xuan Zong Wanyan Xun ascended the throne, gold has faced the situation of Mongolian army. Over the next two decades, King gradually declined. The monetary economy has also completely collapsed, so coins are a mere symbol of the regimeZhen youXing DingYuan GuangZhenyou TongbaoZhenyou YuanbaoZhen You Tongbaozhenzhenon&39;s collections, especially the current situation of the amount of stock in the world, which makes its investment value increasing, and the market price of ancient coins is also bullish, becoming one of the collections of friends at home and abroad.

Tongbaodang ten big money for the Southern Song Dynasty Li Zongbao Qingyuan year (1225) cast after July. At that time line money, and only iron xiaoping money. Copper only see a big money. The production is fine, handed down very few. Pick up big money. Qian Wen regular script straight reading, beautiful calligraphy, pick up the words from the into, is its characteristics. It is said to be written by CAI Jing, a great calligrapher of the Song Dynasty. According to the shape of the money, it is divided into two kinds of thin book small characters and thick strokes, which is better for the thin book. When pick up big money cast in xichuan area, and jia Ding fold ten with the prison. It is impossible to ascertain the exact amount of casting. Spread has become the world&39;s style. The coin is very beautiful, the world stock is very rare, has a very high art investment space and collection value!
