写经验 领红包
 > 运动





A Web of Your Own

M: Eric, How is the weather today?E: It is cloudy.M: Would you like to have a pretty spiderweb to hang on our wall.E: Yes, that is interesting.M: So let&39;s go, I will show you how to pick the spiderweb later. Where can we find spiderwebs?E: On the trees, bushes and grass.M: Ok, spy with your little eyes, and try to find different webs, we will see what kind of webs we can find.

Materials:• talcum powder 滑石粉• a sheet of construction paper (black or another dark color)• spray adhesive (you can buy this at most art-supply stores) 喷胶Steps:1) Go outdoors on a warm day. Look for a nice, neat web around a plant or bush or around a door or . Make sure there is no spider on the web! 找暖和的天气到户外去,在植物或灌木丛或门或窗户周围寻找美观,整洁的蜘蛛网,确保网上没有蜘蛛!2) When you find a web, gently sprinkle it with talcum powder. Then use two hands to hold the construction paper flat behind the web. Slowly and carefully lift the paper so that the web sticks to it. The spider won&39;s holding a web between its forelimbs while hanging upside down.

