写经验 领红包
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In January 1100 A.D., Emperor zhe Zong of the Northern Song Dynasty died of illness. Zhao Ji, his younger brother, succeeded him as the eighth emperor of the Northern Song Dynasty and became Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty. Huizong is &34;. He is addicted to calligraphy and painting all day long and ignores the official principles. During his 25 years in office, he successively minted six kinds of coins, including Shengsong Tongbao, Chongning Tongbao (chongbao), Daguan Tongbao, Zhenghe Tongbao (chongbao), Chonghe Tongbao, Xuanhe Tongbao (Yuanbao). Among them, the coins of Chongning Tongbao and Daguan Tongbao are thin gold bodies of Huizong&39;s amazing that Chongning Tongbao, a ten fold thin gold book, is made of fine bronze with clear writing bones, which makes many ancient coin collectors love it.

崇宁重宝,中国古钱币之一。北宋徽宗崇宁年间铸(公元1102年~1106年)。 面文“崇宁重宝”隶书对读,古朴方正,多为光背,少数背有星、月、十字等。崇宁重宝是北宋末年比较重要的钱币之一,也是北宋钱币中版别最多的。据统计,崇宁重宝的版别大概在300多种,它和北宋其他钱币不一样的地方就是只有一种隶书体。

Chongning heavy treasure is one of the ancient Chinese coins. It was cast in the reign of Chongning, Emperor Huizong of the Northern Song Dynasty (1102-1106 A.D.) Face text &34; official reading, simple and square, mostly light back, a few back with stars, moon, cross and so on. Chongning chongbao is one of the most important coins in the last years of the Northern Song Dynasty. According to statistics, Chongning chongbao has more than 300 editions, which is different from other coins in the Northern Song Dynasty in that there is only one official .


Chongning chongbao was coined in the reign of Emperor Huizong of the Northern Song Dynasty (1102-1106 A.D.), with &34; engraved on the obverse. The characters are official , dignified, elegant, simple and square, rigorous and solemn, and the law is fixed. The rust on the coins is left between the lines, which corrodes the coins; no fonts are printed on the back of the coins. The central part of the coin is a perforated square pattern, which is square, decent, and has a solid outline. This coin casting shape is convenient for the common people to hang it on their bodies, and it is not easy to lose. The whole copper coin is well made, with clear and beautiful layout, square writing and good preservation. After the baptism of time and the scouring of years, it becomes bronze, with natural coating and a strong sense of history. It is worth collecting.
