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在生活中,很多人可能想了解和弄清楚英语学习笔记6:Capitalization Rules的相关问题?那么关于英语单词capital的答案我来给大家详细解答下。


Capitalization Rules

Capitalize the first letter of the first word in a sentence.

Did you bring the camera?

The water is freezing.

Capitalize the pronoun I .

Should I call you later?

Mary and I went to the zoo.

Capitalize the names of people and the initials that stand for their names.

J.K.Rowling A.A.Milne Lionel Messi

Capitalize names of days of the week, months of the year, and holidays.

Monday November National Day

Capitalize all proper nouns.

A proper nouns is the specific name of a person ,place, or thing.

Peter Bahrain Ferrari

温馨提示:通过以上关于英语学习笔记6:Capitalization Rules内容介绍后,相信大家有新的了解,更希望可以对你有所帮助。