写经验 领红包




Many people believe that zoos have no purpose in today’s world and should be closed. What problems do zoos bring?

What are the alternatives to zoos if they are closed?

该题型属于 two - part question, 我们需要对每一个问题都回应到,然后TR会给低分





The presence of zoos in our cities and towns has been questioned a lot recently, and opinions differ about whether they provide benefits to people and animals, or whether they should be closed.

第二段:论点+论据 (写主体段的时候尽量详细)

Initially, we need to think about the negative issues with zoos ( 论点, 表明这个问题是消极的). Many people believe it is wrong to take animals out of their natural environment and put them into cages. They believe that this is cruel and is only done to attract visitors and make money (论据一,表明动物园只是为了取悦人和搞钱,带有原罪). In addition, many people feel that we should not interfere with nature, and if possible, animals should be allowed to stay in their own environment (论据二,讲明白人类的行为是明确干扰动物的,应该让动物回到野外).

词汇:issue 问题 initial 最初的 cruel 残忍的 interfere with 干涉


In terms of alternatives, there are a few options that we have. Wildlife parks are becoming more popular in today’s world (论点,表明动物园这种形式是必要的,因为人们越来越喜欢动物). These provide more space for animals to wander around and they provide a habitat which is more similar to animals’ natural homes. A more permanent solution which would enable us all to see animals in the wild would be for airlines to reduce their ticket prices . If air travel were cheaper, then we would all be able to see wild animals in their natural habitat and there would be no need for zoos in our cities (论据一,降低票价,让人们去野外看动物,而不是把他们关起来). We should also promote channels on TV such as National Geographic. Here, people can see wildlife as it should be seen (论据二,我们也可以在地理杂志或者TV上看,这样也可以实现观赏动物的目的)

词汇: habitat 栖息地 similar 相似的 national geographic 国家地理


As we can see, zoos are not the only way for humans to see and learn about wild animals. If there were no zoos, it would still be possible for scientists and ordinary people to preserve and experience nature.


词汇: wild animal 野生动物 preserve 保护

(261 words)
