写经验 领红包
 > 家居




1, from now on 从现在开始

From now on ,I must study English well 从现在开始,我必须把英语学好

2, as a result 结果

As a result ,He got 100 in his English test 结果,他英语考试得了100分

3, so。。。that 如此。。。以至于

He runs so fast that he can catch the early bus 他跑得如此之快,以至于赶上了早班车

4, in a way 在某种程度上

He is good at writing in a way 在某种程度上,他还是很擅长写字的

5, arise out of 起因于

The mistake arouse out of your careless 这个错误起因于你的粗心

6, deal with 处理

I can deal with my problem 我能处理我的问题

7, watch over 监视

He was watched over by his parents 他正在被他的父母监视

8,a large sum of 一大笔

He got a large sum of money 他得到了一大笔钱

8, turn 。。。into realities 把。。。变成现实

You can turn your dream into realities 你可以把你的梦想变为现实

9, in total 总计

There are 10 books in total 那里总计有10本书
