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在生活中,很多人可能想了解和弄清楚口袋英语语法 | 巧学情态动词“can”的相关问题?那么关于情态动词can全英文讲解的答案我来给大家详细解答下。




1. 琳达,你会用英语唱歌吗?

 ________________ in English, Linda?

2. 抱歉,我不能帮你。

 Sorry, I ________________ .

3. 你叔叔能做什么?

 What ________________ ?

4. 他姐姐也能拉小提琴。

 His sister ________________ .


情态动词can 意为“能;会”,没有人称和数的变化,后面跟动词原形。句式结构如下:



Jane: Good morning! 1. _________________?

Allen: Yes, I want to join the sports club.

Jane: 2. _________________?

Allen: No, I can’t play baseball.

Jane: 3. _________________?

Allen: I can play soccer.

Jane: I see. Then you can join our soccer club.

Is it OK with you?

Allen: I don’t think so. I like baseball club better.

Jane: OK. 4. _________________?

Allen: Sure, my name is Allen.

Jane: Can you spell it?

Allen: 5. _________________. A-L-L-E-N, Allen.



1. Can you sing

2. can’t help you

3. can your uncle do

4. can also play the violin


1. Can I help you

2. Can you play baseball

3. What can you do

4. Can you tell me your name

5. Yes, I can

温馨提示:通过以上关于口袋英语语法 | 巧学情态动词“can”内容介绍后,相信大家有新的了解,更希望可以对你有所帮助。