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在生活中,很多人可能想了解和弄清楚GRE | Day47: 每天5个GRE词汇的相关问题?那么关于gre每天十个小时的答案我来给大家详细解答下。


prevaricate 英 [prɪˈværɪkeɪt] 美 [prɪˈværɪkeɪt] vi. 搪塞;支吾其辞,闪烁其辞

考点1: vi.支吾其词,撒谎: to stray from or evade the truth

■e.g. During the hearings the witness did his best to prevaricate.听证会上证人在竭尽全力地支吾其词。

■同: equivocate, fabricate, falsify, lie, palter

■派: prevarication n. 支吾其词

eschew 英 [ɪsˈtʃuː] 美 [ɪsˈtʃuː] vt. 避免;避开;远避

考点1: v.刻意避开;戒绝: to avoid habitually especially on moral or practical grounds

■e.g. the minister eschews involvement in local politics, since he doesn&39;s witness the resurgence of classical school. 让我们见证古典乐派的复兴。

■同: reanimation, rebirth, regeneration, rejuvenation, renewal, resurrection, resuscitation, revitalization

■反: decay, degradation, deterioration, downfall, ebb, fall 衰落

■派: resurgent adj. 正在复兴的

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