写经验 领红包
 > 情感




1. n. 官能;感觉

five senses: sense of sight/smell/hearing/taste/touch

senseless: n.+less adj without senses

He fell senseless to the ground 他倒在地上不省人事 。

sensual: adj. giving physical satisfaction to the senses 满足感官的

2. n. 感, 感知 (官能,感官的效果)

sense of honor 荣誉感

sense of humor 幽默感

sense of responsibility 责任感

sense of importance 重要感

sense of guilt 罪恶感

v. 感知到,察觉到

With the first frost, they could sense a change in the days. 随着第一场霜降下来,它们能感知到天气变了。

sensitive: v+-tive adj. that is quick to sense the change 敏感的,具有感知力的 The skin of a baby is very sensitive. 婴儿的皮肤非常敏感。

The balance is very sensitive to any tiny change of weight.


sensible: v+-ible转化为adj. that can be sensed 可以被感知的

a sensible rise in temperature 可以感觉到的温度升高.

3. n. 见识;智慧 ,合理性

Long hair, short sense!

common sense 常识

He earned respect by the good sense he showed at meetings.


I can't see the sense in leaving all the work to you. 我看不出有什么理由把所有工作留给你去做。

v. 感知到…的合理性,理解到

sensible: v.+-ible转化为adj. that can be understood as reasonable 理智的, 可以被理解的

It was sensible of you to lock the door. 你把门锁上了, 做得对

4. sense:n. 含义;意义

I do not know which sense of the word you are referring to. 我不知道你是指单词的哪个意思。

make sense 与 make sense of

What you say makes no sense. 你说的话没有道理。 (nonsense)

It doesn't make sense to buy that expensive one. 买那贵的没有道理。

I can not make sense of his words.我无法理解他讲的话。 (understand)
