写经验 领红包




外研版新标准英语八上M11U2的主要内容是从入乡随俗的角度出发,向学生介绍了英国的传统生活习俗。1.I enjoyed my stay, and I noticed something interesting with the English way of life.我在那里度过了一段愉快的时光,并且还发现了英式生活的一些有趣之事。(1)something不定代词 interesting形容词,形容词要放在不定代词/不定副词后面(2)way of life生活方式

2.For example, you must say Mr or Mrs when you meet someone for the first time.比如,初次与人见面时,你必须称呼对方“先生”或“女士”。(1)for example举的例子为同类人或物中的一个;作为插入语用逗号与例子隔开,可放句首、句中也可以句末。(2)for the first time 初次;第一次

3.When you get to know each other better or when they ask you to, you can just use their first names.等你们彼此熟悉了,或是对方主动要求时,你才可以直呼其名。(1)get to know逐渐了解;认识 (2)each other彼此;互相

4.One day, we visited some friends and had afternoon tea together.有一天,我们去拜访了几个朋友,并且一起喝下午茶。(1)one day有一天(2) have afternoon tea 喝下午茶

5.Afternoon tea is not just a drink but a light meal at around 4 pm.下午茶不仅仅是喝茶,而是下午十点左右的一顿便餐。(1)not...but...不是......而是......Li Lanjuan is not a teacher but a doctor.(2)a light meal一顿便餐

6.So I tried to drink tea with milk too.所以我也尽量在茶里加了牛奶。try to do sth.尽力做某事;try doing sth.试着做某事

7.You can buy it and eat it in special fish and chip shops on the high street, or you can take it away and eat it with your fingers.你可以在大街上专卖炸鱼和炸薯条商店购买并在店里食用,也可以带走,直接用手拿着吃。(1)fish and chip shops炸鱼和炸薯条商店(2)on the high street在大街上(3)take away 带走,代词须放中间

8.At the bus stop, you must not push your way onto the bus.在公交站,你不能挤着上车。(1)at the bus stop在公交车站 (2)push one&39;s turn 排队等候

10.Sometimes people are slow to get on the bus.有时候人们上车慢悠悠的。(1)be slow to do sth.慢悠悠地做某事She is usually slow to get up.(2)get on the bus上车

11.Once I noticed a gentleman touch a young man on the shoulder, smile politely and say, “Excuse me! Are you waiting for this bus?”有一次,我注意到一位绅士碰了碰一个年轻人的肩膀,彬彬有礼地微笑着说:“对不起!你是在等这趟公交车吗?” (1)notice注意到,动词。notice+名词;notice sb.do sth.注意某人做某事(表示动作已结束或全过程);notice sb.doing sth.注意某人做某事(表示动作正在进行)(2)touch sb.on the shoulder拍某人的肩膀(3)wait for the bus等公交车
