写经验 领红包
 > 教育




1.黑白分明:with black and white sharply contrasted; in sharp contract


3.黑灯瞎火:dark; unlighted

4.黑咕隆咚:very dark; pitch-dark

5.恨铁不成钢:wish that iron could turn straight into steel-set a high demand on sb in the hope that he will improve

6.恨之入骨:harbor a bitter hatred for sb

7.哼哈二将:a pair of fierce men serving one master or acting in collusion with each other

8.恒河沙数:as numerous as the sands of the Ganges; innumerable; countless

9.横冲直撞:career; dash adlib

10.横倒竖歪:in disorder; higgledy-piggledy

11.横眉怒目:with frowning brows and angry eyes; darting fierce looks of hate

12.横眉竖眼:glare in anger

13.横七竖八:in disorder; at sixes and sevens

14.横生枝节:raise unexpected difficulties; deliberately complicate an issue

15.横挑鼻子竖挑眼:find fault in a petty manner; pick holes in sth; nitpick


17.横行无忌:run wild; run amuck

18.横行一时:run wild for a time

19.横征暴敛:extort heavy taxes and duties

20.衡情度理:considering the circumstances and judging by common sense; all things considered
