在 G类Task 1中会出现大量的正式和非正式文体区分,如下内容给出了正式和非正式文体中,信函写作的准确性需要达到的要求。
Beginning: Dear Sir or Madam
Stating the purpose: I am writing with regard to
Formal choice of language: due to, I intended, as a result of, caused me great inconvenience, compensate me, the additional flight
No contractions: I am (not "I'm")
Ending: I look forward to receiving your response. Yours faithfully,
Beginning: Dear John
Stating the purpose: I'm just writing to let you know that
Informal choice of language: As you know, Well, prices are crazy, on the bright side, it's got nice big windows, a lovely view, if you ever fancy, great to see you
Use of contractions: I'm, we've, isn't, it's
Ending: Keep in touch! All the best
my place (meaning 'my house')
a few things (avoid the word 'thing' in more formal contexts)
pick up the keys (meaning 'collect')
pop round (meaning 'visit')
a bit warmer ('bit' is informal, use 'little' if you want to sound more formal)
worth checking out (meaning 'a good idea to go there')
1)You are about to go on vacation for a month. A friend from another town will come and stay in your apartment. Write a letter to this friend. In this letter,
o Explain where your friend can get the key to the apartment
o Give your friend some instructions about using your apartment
o Recommend some places to go
2) You have a full-time job and are also doing a part-time evening course. You now find that you cannot continue the course. Write a letter to the course tutor. In your letter
describe the situation
explain why you cannot continue at this time
say what action you would like to take