写经验 领红包
 > 生活




Houyi shoots suns

Legend goes like this: There are 10 suns in the sky. They are God’s children. They live in the tree by the east sea. Every day, one of them goes up from the east in the morning to warm up the earth and goes down to the west in the evening.

One day, they feel so bored, they want to play in the sky together. So the next morning, they go up to the sky together and play. The weather becomes very very hot, everything on the earth can’t bear that. After a while, there is no water in the lakes and seas, fish in the water are dead, all the animals on the land are dead, lots of people are dead too.

A young man, called Houyi, is a sharp-shooter. He wants to save people’s life. So he goes to the east sea and sees the 10 suns playing in the sky. He shoots the suns down one by one. Only one sun is left in the sky. So the earth becomes warm again.


sky 天空 God 天帝

live 住 east 东边

one of them 他们中的一个

by the sea 在海边

west 西边 warm up 给…温暖

earth 大地,地球

weather 天气

go up 上升 go down 下降

feel 感觉 bored 无聊的

together 一起 become 变得

everything 所有东西,一切事物

bear 承受(还有熊的意思哦)

weather 天气 lake 湖

sea 大海 land 陆地

after a while 过了不久

called 叫做,被称为

sharp-shooter 神射手

save 救 life 生命,生活

save life 救命

shoot 射击 one by one 一个接一个

only 仅仅 is left 剩下

again 又,再

so 有时候是所以的意思,有时候是于是的意思,要注意哦

down 向下(注意,它不是动词)比如:shoot down 射下,jump down 跳下



