写经验 领红包
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1.Conditions For Mixed Food Storage:

Some foods let go odors and these odors are then absorbed by other products if they are stored in the same refrigerator. Caution to prevent these products from being stored together, even for short periods of time. For example, dairy products, and also some fruit,

2. They’re a wonderfully healthy food filled with fats your body and brain need — but they don’t belong in the fridge. Stored there, they’ll lose their nutty flavor and absorb the flavors and smells from surrounding foods. They’ll do just fine stored in your pantry, in any container that’s airtight.

二、I got it求证阅读:

1.Okay.Got it.Sometimes we say Odor,sometines we say Smell when we mean 气味 in English.Odor means Smell.

2.Okay.Got it. Some foods will absorb the flavors and smells from surrounding foods,or from each other.

To absorb something也叫To take in simething,所以,“窜味”,我们也可以说:

Some foods will taje in the flavors and smells from surrounding foods,or from each other.
