1一见钟情to fall in love at first sight
2一年一度once a year
3一目了然to be clear at a glance
4一举成名to achieve instant fame
5一举两得to kill two birds with one stone
6一路顺风a pleasant journey
7一蹶不振 to finished for good
8一清二白completely innocent of the accusation
9一臂之力a helping hand
10一见如故to be old friends from the start
11一败涂地to be completely defeated; to be a dead failure
12一表人才a fine-looking man; an imposing figure
13一了百了Death ends all one’s trouble.
14一个巴掌拍不响It takes two to make a quarrel.
15一传十,十传百to get around quickly
16一错再错to repeat one’s mistakes
17一场空to come to nothing
18一刀两断to break off all relations with
19一寸光阴一寸金Time is money.
20一吐为快to be glad to get it off one’s chest