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&34; was UNESCO&34;, which include the Hall of Supreme Harmony, the Hall of Central Harmony, and the Hall of Preserving Harmony; these are the three major halls of the Outer Court. The Hall of Supreme Harmony is the main hall among the three and is the symbol of imperial power. This primary hall was decorated magnificently and was often a venue for major national celebrations during the Ming and Qing Dynasties. The Forbidden City, also called the Hall of Golden Chimes, represents the highest level of the ancient structures in standard and grade in China. The Hall of Central Harmony was used by the Emperor to prepare and have a rest before holding court. The Hall of Preserving Harmony was the site for the final stage of the Imperial Examination and meeting guests from vassal states.

The “Inner Court” was where the Emperor, Empress and concubines lived and worked. The Palace of Heavenly Purity, the Palace of Earthly Tranquility, and the Hall of Union are the three halls of the Inner Court. The Palace of Heavenly Court was used as a place for Emperors, during the Ming and Qing dynasties, to live and work. However, during the reign of Emperor Yongzheng of the Qing dynasty, the Emperor’s living quarters was transferred to the smaller Hall of Mental Cultivation near the west side of the Palace of Heavenly. The Palace of Earthly Tranquility was the residence of the Empress; and the Hall of Union was a place for the Empress to hold different ceremonies. The six palaces in the west side and the other six palaces in the east side of the three halls are the residences of the concubines. The royal garden, also called, the Imperial Garden, is located between the Inner Court and the Gate of Divine Might.

The Forbidden City has the largest and most intact ancient wooden structure architecture complex existing in the world. The golden tiles that cover the palace architecture and the red palace walls fully reflect the ancient feudal system in China. For 500 years, the Forbidden City witnessed the success and failures of the 24 emperors that ruled the Imperial Palace; from Zhu Di, the third emperor of the Ming Dynasty who ruled in 1421, to Puyi, the last Emperor of the Qing Dynasty who was expelled from the palace in 1924. Since then, the name, Forbidden City has slowly been forgotten in time; and more and more people now call this place, &34;

