> 软件应用
导语:abuse 滥用 毁谤 辱骂 伤害 虐待

/ əˈbjuːz; əˋbjuz/ v.
1. make bad or wrong use of (sth) 滥用﹑ 妄用(某事物):
abuse one's authority 滥用权威
abuse one's privilege 滥用职权
2. treat (sb) badly; exploit 虐待某人; 剥削:
a much abused wife 备受虐待的妻子
3. speak insultingly to or about (sb); attack in words 说(某人的)坏话; 辱骂; 诋毁
abuse a friend 辱骂朋友
I'll not abuse your hospitality and your kindness. 我不会辜负你的热情招待和好意。
