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春雨的色彩(楼飞甫)Color of Spring’s Rain (Lou Feifu)

春雨,像春姑娘纺出的线,轻轻地落到地上,沙沙沙,沙沙沙……Rain in spring is like threads spun by Maiden Spring that fall gently on the ground going “sha..sha..sha”.

田野里,一群小鸟正在争论一个有趣的问题:春雨到底是什么颜色的?In the field, a flock of little birds are arguing over an interesting question: What color is spring-rain?

小燕子说:“春雨是绿色的。Little swallow says: “Spring-rain is green.

你们瞧,春雨落到草地上,草就绿了。Look, spring-rain falls on lawn and grass turns green.

春雨淋在柳树上,柳枝也绿了。”Spring-rain showers on willow trees and willow branches become green.”

麻雀说:“不对,Sparrow says: “That’s not true.

春雨是红色的。Spring-rain is red.

你们瞧,春雨洒在桃树上,桃花红了。Look, spring-rain sprinkles on peach trees and peach flowers turn red.

春雨滴在杜鹃丛中,杜鹃花也红了。”Spring-rain drips on cuckoo bushes and cuckoo flowers become red.”

小黄莺说:“不对,不对,Little oriole says: “That’s wrong! Absolutely wrong!

春雨是黄色的。Spring-rain is yellow.

你们看,春雨落在油菜地里,油菜花黄了。Look, spring-rain falls on rape vegetable field and rape flowers turn yellow.

春雨落在蒲公英上,蒲公英花也黄了。”Spring-rain falls on dandelions and dandelion flowers become yellow.”

春雨听了大家的争论,下得更欢了,沙沙沙,沙沙沙……Spring-rain listens to their arguments and it falls even more invigoratingly: sha..sha..sha.
