写经验 领红包




1. finally=at last/in the end 最后,最终

2. have/take an exam参加考试

pass the exam 通过考试

fail(in) the exam 考试失败

3. take care of=look after照顾

take good care of=look after…well 好好照顾

take care=look out =be careful小心

care about 在乎,关心

4. alone=by oneself= on one’s own 独自

leave sb alone=leave sb by oneself+地点 留下某人一人

5. take sb to sp. 带/送某人去某地

6. if 条件状语从句 (主将从现)

if 宾语从句(主:一般现在时,从任何时态)


7. play for 为…打比赛

play against 和…打比赛

play with sth 玩…

play with sb 跟…玩

8. What a shame! 多么遗憾/ 羞愧!

9. take…out 带..出去 take me out 带我出去

take…out of …=take out… from… 从…拿出去

take out sth = take sth out拿出

take it/ them out 把它/它们拿出

10. buy sth for sb =buy sb sth 为某人买某物

11. at noon 在中午 at night 在晚上

12. wish to do 希望做某事

wish sb to do希望某人做某事

wish sb sth祝愿某人…


wish + 虚拟语气 I wish I were a bird.

hope to do希望做某事


I hope so./ I hope not. 我希望如此/我希望不是这样

13. It’s 650 kilometres away from our home. 距离我家有650千米远

14. a university 一所大学

15. take lessons/ have lessons 上课

16. keep +adj. 保持……

keep doing 一直做某事

keep sb doing 让某人一直做某事

17. read sth. to sb.=read sb. sth. 给某人读某物

18. go camping 露营

19. share sth with sb 和某人分享某物

20. a two-week (two weeks’) summer camp 一个为期两周的夏令营
